We use a rigorous approach to strategy development and tailor our process to each client after initial consultation. We consider previous brand work undertaken, current research, internal resources, business milestones etc.

Our strategic approach is:

  • Driven from Vision, Mission and Business Strategy
  • Highly collaborative
  • Research-based
  • Validated against brand proof-points (delivering the promise)
  • Inclusive of internal recommendations such as resourcing and cultural change

Our strategy work includes:

  • Brand Strategy – Brand modeling and articulation; brand creation, brand reviews and repositioning
  • Marketing Communications Strategy – Outlining the overall strategy and recommended activities – based on objectives, target audiences and resources
  • Corporate Statements – facilitating the process of defining new Visions, Missions and Values sets
  • Internal Branding & Culture – How to engage staff in delivering the brand promise, and support cultural shift and values alignment within the organization
  • Campaign development – Developing campaign strategy and detailed planning for brand and marketing communications campaigns. We are media-neutral and recommend the best mix of media to suit clients’ needs