Case study




We have created the ongoing national harvest advertising campaigns.


  • To promote CBH to it's loyal stakeholders and owners; the growers of Western Australia. The additional objective was to extend the CBH brand into the eastern states in this increasingly competitive global environment of grain marketing and handling.


  • Whilst CBH is a stalwart of Western Australian industry (it's the oldest co-operative in Australia) there is always a challenge to speak to an audience who already know your attributes and is also the owner of the company, within its co-op structure. We created national press and radio advertisements and we are working on TV campaigns for the upcoming harvest promotion. As well as advertising and marketing throughout the year for new products, we also help create community information roadshows both locally and nationally.


  • CBH continue to be the leader in their industry sector, and the advertising message and branding has remained consistent and ahead of the other players for the last 5 years.